Friday, February 4, 2011

Fig and Goats Cheese Tart

Okay, so I don't have a tart tin. I'm improvising. I guess you could say I'm cooking my 'interpretation' of Donna Hay's dishes. Well, I'm trying to anyway.

Fig and Goats Cheese Tart. Do you know how hard it is to get a fig where I live? Impossible. I was lucky enough to be visiting Emerald last week and pounced on the best fig I could find in Wollies, as there's guaranteed to be...uh....NONE here. Ever. So, I had my beautiful ripe fig and wanted to do something beautiful with it. I love figs. I got very close to cutting it up and making my cardboard-tasting-gluten-free cereal a whole lot better, but I resisted so I could bring you my Tart.

As I mentioned, I don't have a tart tin. Well, actually I do. But it's a great big ceramic one and this recipe calls for small individual ones, so I used a ramekin instead. Lined with greaseproof paper so I could lift the tart out effortlessly. Oh, and store bought Shortcrust pastry is a godsend with a clingy toddler. I was so grateful to Donna that she'd put that in her recipe!

This recipe is rather easy and a great summer lunch (or dinner, as was my case). Pastry, fig (cut in half to show off the rose coloured inside), goats cheese (I used goat's Feta, as it was the only goats cheese I could find) then whisk some eggs, cream, chives (or parsley, in my case) and more cheese. Mmmmm....cheese.

The end product is delicious. The crisp pastry contrasts so well with the creamy cheese filling. I love the flavor of the Fig and Goats Cheese together, they compliment each other so well. Definitely one to make again.

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